Maintaining Balanced Fitness During Fall


Travis and I have been extremely grateful for the nice Autumn weather in Sunny SoCal lately. The faint ocean breezes have been accompanied by a very warm, golden sun – no need for sweaters during our barefoot afternoon walks on the beach just yet. You’ll still find me rolling around in the sand sleeveless incorporating some extra mindful moves during our walks until the cooler weather is upon us (then I’ll be doing the same rolling around bundled up!)

Give it a few weeks for full-on Fall, and you may be tempted to start pointing fingers at Autumn’s much cooler breezes, shorter days, and it’s abundant harvest for tempting us to stray from our fitness routines during this time of holiday planning and festivities.

Needless to say, the change in season is not an excuse to Fall off of our healthy fitness habits and neglect our health– rather, it is a time to work synergistically with the season and embrace the changes that it brings.

As I have mentioned before, being active is part of a healthy balanced lifestyle, there is never a need to turn on that “hibernation” switch. In order to maintain our fitness health, we should make it a key point to incorporate fun, challenging, activities that best fit our schedules and our lifestyles. By doing so, we leave no room for inconvenience, and welcome fun fitness that make sense!

‘Tis the Season to Set New Realistic and Fun Goals 

I present to you the opportunity to step out of that comfort zone and Sharpie in some goals on your schedule at least one day out of each week. (Yes, Sharpie – no turning back, so make them realistic goals!) Goals are a good way to track our physical progression, and by accomplishing our goals we also add extra light to our mental well-being by feeling happier and more satisfied with our lives. So, let’s get to steppin’ in the key of Autumn Leaves!

Balanced Fitness – Fall Tips:

  • Workout for at least 20 minutes on Monday mornings to start the week off fresh – Instead of lying under the covers hoping to drag out the weekend as long as possible, hop out of bed and add some motion to your morning and you’ll perk up the week ahead!
  • Round Up Motivation – Use Pinterest to pin some new workouts / workout motivation, and check in on your progress weekly.
  • Add 30 pushups, and 50 squats to your daily routine before showering A quick burn to warm the body up and enjoy that refreshing shower! These highly-effective, natural movements take only a few minutes, and you are able to continually welcome progress as you aim to eliminate rest periods and increase repetitions.
  • Take a mid-day break from work and enjoy a nice walk outdoors! You will get the extra added benefits of Vitamin D and nature while giving your body a boost. I also enjoy this as a meditative practice, it welcomes a refreshed mind which enhances our mood and increases motivation to complete the tasks ahead.
  • Have Fun! – Mix up your workout between different activities. If you’ve been eyeing the controlled movements of Pilates, give it a shot! Love running? Add a few all-out sprints to cut your cardio session in half and wrap up your workout with some body-weight exercises.
  • Become a Seasonal Foodie – Love food and enjoy it! Take advantage of the abundant nutrient-dense veggies that the season has to offer. Use them as your primary carbohydrate intake to balance your plate, along with some protein, and do not skimp on those healthy fats that fuel your activities!
  • Add 15- 30 minutes of yoga / mindful stretching before bedThis is such a great way to wind down and prepare our bodies for a nice, restful sleep. Let your body flow, and do what feels natural – no need to perfect and make each pose formal.
  • Listen to Your Body – Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires us to tune in to our bodies. Awareness of how our bodies are feeling is powerful. Maybe that High Intensity Interval Training you had planned for the day just doesn’t fit with your energy levels this morning, go for a walk instead. If your body is asking for a little rest, accept! There are endless days ahead of you to continue to keep up with your workout regimen without overtaxing your body and mind.

For knowing the changes of the seasons, the risings and settings of the stars, how each of them takes place, he will be able to know beforehand what sort of a year is coming.  Having made these investigations, he will have full knowledge of each particular case.  He must succeed in securing health, and be triumphant in the practice of his art.  – Hippocrates

May you be motivated to continue carrying on the Balanced Fitness!

Mindful Mover,

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